If you are you looking for a Pooper Scooper Service in Greenwood Village, Colorado, Pet Scoop services is here to help. Get an instant quote on your dog’s waste pick up needs. Pet Scoop is one of the most popular pet waste disposal companies in the Colorado. We service many neighborhoods and communities including our friends and neighbors of Greenwood Village, CO.
Sign up for our service today and experience why your Greenwood Village neighbors are saying Pet Scoop is their favorite dog pooping service. Our mission is to provide the best pet waste management to Colorado’s neighborhoods and communities by making it easier than ever to keep your yard waste-free! You can kick back, relax and let us do the dirty work. Your clean backyard is only a click away.
Celebrating 30 YEARS of clean yards…
OFFER: Sign Up & Get $30 Off Your 1st Month of Service
Colorado Owned and Operated
We know your yard is an extension of your happy home, and we are focused on bringing happiness to Greenwood Village pet parents by providing a fast, efficient dog poop pick up service. If a clean, healthy, waste-free yard is important to you, leaving this chore to us is your best bet. Our qualified technicians are committed to doing a great job for you.
We will arrive at your home on the scheduled day, pick up after your pet, do a second search to make sure nothing’s left and take the waste away from your property. We will not throw the waste into your garbage cans or bins like another dog poop pick up service might. To ensure hygienic conditions, we disinfect our appliances after each pick-up. Our team members are careful about clean equipment. Say no to spending your weekend cleaning and picking up after your pets and yes to Pet Scoop’s pooper scooper service! You won’t believe how incredibly easy it is to get a quote and start with Pet Scoop services. Simply call us at 303-781-POOP or get an online quote. We look forward to partnering with you on a POO-lution free yard.
- Serving the ENTIRE Denver Metro Area Since 1994
- One of the LARGEST Dog Waste Removal Services in the Country
- One of the LONGEST Running Poop Scooping Services in the United States
ONLY Pooper Scooper Company in Colorado to Compost Dog Waste
MORE Service Days and Frequency Options than any other Poop Pickup Service
- Pet Scoop is COLORADO Owned and Operated – We’re not a Pet Waste Removal Franchise
We Haul the Waste Away at No Additional Charge

Client Raves!
#1 Dog Poop Service
We offer Greenwood Village pet waste removal in the following zip codes:
80111, 80112, 80121, 80237

Fun & Interesting Things To Do In Greenwood Village, CO With Your Dog
Greenwood Village is a community with 16,000 residents, a “daytime” population of approximately 45,000 business community members and is home to nearly 3,718 dogs! Here are some fun & interesting things to do with your dog.
Sign up for Greenwood Village Poop Scoop Service